Ders 1

  • Genel bilgi, ödevler, Işık, kaynak, yüzey, kamera ilişkisi temel texture, model uygulamaları, RS Subdivision UV, projection, 3d texture, Procedural Texture, Image Plane.

Ders 2

  • PBR, intro to Substance Painter, Shading, Texturing Normal, Displacement, Roughness, 8bit, 16bit, colorspace substance to Redshift Maya.

Ders 3

  • Redshift Lights and Shaders Area, Directional, Spot, Portal, Dome Lighting Techniques, Studio, Indoor, Outdoor, HDR.

Ders 4

  • Redshift Lights and Shaders Redshift Material, Subsurface, Architectural… etc Material Blender, Displacement Blender, Sprite Shader.

Ders 5

  • Redshift Render Settings/Options Brute Force/Irradiance/Photon Render Optimization/Rstexbin.

Ders 6

  • Case Study, Kamera Kadraj prensipleri Lens, Shutter, F-Number, ISO, DOF, Bokeh, Aberration redshift Lens, Camera Shaders.

Ders 7

  • Maya Color Management, intro OCIO Redshift Dome Light, rayswitch, projection Live action over cgi workflow.

Ders 8

  • Render layers, passes Base render elements, Redshift AOVs Redshift Masks, mattes, PuzzleMatte, CryptoMatte.

Ders 9

  • Compositing intro to Fusion Color theory, Color Spaces, LUTs, OCIO, Linear Workflow Merge Techniques, Bitmap, Masks, Most Used Nodes, Sapphire.

Ders 10

  • Object, floor and bg comp FL DF, Motion Vector, Z Depth, ID pass usage Redshift pass reconstruction.

Ders 11

  • White Balance, Exposure, Color Charts, Waveform, VectorScope… Color Grading, Shadow – Mid – Highligts, Contrast/Gamma/Gain Color Card, Gray Ball, Set Experience.

Ders 12

  • Case Study Lens Distort, Abberation, Vignette, Glow, Glares.