Hazal Sarısaltık

Hi, I'm Hazal Sarısaltık. I was born in 1994. I graduated from Kocaeli University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Performing Arts, Department of Stage Design.

I've always loved designing and imagining new worlds and concepts. My childhood was spent with fantastic movies, books and computer games. I attended theater and design festivals both in Turkey and abroad. In these festivals, I discovered the versatility of design, the constant re-meaning of design with people and the door to many different worlds. This is how the curiosity shifted from a classical understanding of design to the 3D world where there are unlimited possibilities. Thus, I decided to diversify my traditional education with more modern facilities and knowledge and develop myself one step further.

During my search for a course, I was notified of an Anima School thanks to a friend. With the diversity and richness of educational programs, Anima School was more attractive than other schools.

At the end of the 6-month r modeling rendering ”course I took here, I gained the ability to turn the imaginary atmosphere into 3D models.

I am continuing my education with tasarım concept design ”courses and doing an internship at Anima School. Standing side by side with the friendly and enthusiastic people in Anima School's workshop environment is also a source of motivation for my own development process. My goal is to specialize in this field and continue to design and produce concept 3D works. I would like to thank my instructors Sarp Pekün, Demircan Taş and Eren Arık.